Order Ultimate Ridgehooks
Each set of Ultimate Ridgehooks comes complete as a pair. Construction is 14 gauge powder coated steel. All mounting and attachment hardware is included. All you supply is lumber sufficient to provide a nailing base for your roof or chimney brackets - or any other framework required to create access to, or a platform for, your work area. UR will pay for themselves monetarily and in peace of mind the first time you use them. This is a quality product - made in the U.S.A.!
Please choose from the buttons below to place your secure order.
Order one set - $379 (includes $20 for shipping to the lower 48 US states*):
*Orders to MA addresses will be charged MA state sales tax;
Order 2 sets - $718* and shipping is free**:
*Orders to MA addresses will be charged MA state sales tax;
**Lower 48 US states only. Sorry - buyers are responsible for international shipping costs and any duties and/or fees.
For orders outside the continental US: Please fill out the form on the "Contact Us" page. Include your phone number. We will get back to you with an estimate of the shipping cost to your location. We will not fill orders here that are placed outside the continental US.
Replacement Pins
Set of 4 replacement pins - $36 (shipping included)